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This is a sponsored post for Zazzle.

Are you looking for something really personal for the holidays?  Have you ever been to Zazzle ‘s website?   It’s this really neat site where you can purchase all kinds of personalized products like: invitations, stuff for your home or dog and all kinds of gifts.  You can either buy a pre-made design (and there are thousands to choose from) or you can let your creativity loose and design something yourself. I actually have designed a few things myself there and it’s really easy.  It’s really fun because you can make something that no one else will have.  For those of you that are lucky enough to have the new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus , which I’m sad to report, I don’t have one yet, truth be told I don’t even have a smart phone of any kind yet, they have some very pretty cases to choose from.  They would make really great Christmas presents and you can personalize them!  Zazzle offers several different types of cases to choose from depending on the type of toughness you want.  Here’s a little peak at a couple of the cases that I played with designing to give you an idea of what you can do. iphonecase2


This one would be so pretty for Christmas!  It’s by bonfirechristmas.  There are tons of Christmas cases to choose from, just take a peek here.  I even saw a Thanksgiving Day case!



The case above was actually designed by Monogramgallery, they have some really pretty designs. I used one of their designs and just changed the monogram to mine.  Isn’t it cute?


This shows you what you can do creating your own design.  It took me just a few minutes to make it.  I just uploaded a picture that I already had and now my blog logo is on an iPhone case.  This would be great for me as a Christmas present, along with the iPhone to go with it.  Hint, hint!

There a thousands of different designs to choose from, or endless design-your-own ideas: using personal pictures or your favorite Bible verse or even make one for Christmas or as a gift.  I will say, they are a little pricey, but if you love the idea of having a case that no one else will have, then this is for you.  Now I just need to get me an iPhone!

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